Audience Search Update 🔎
We’ve updated search so that when you’re searching for saved audiences, you will now return results for audiences that are stored in folders in addition to those that are not! This will make it a lot easier to find the audiences that matter to you.
Chart Browser in Dashboards 📊
Dashboard creation just got seven times faster! The new Chart Browser in Dashboards allows you to add multiple charts at once, add question charts without saving them, and gives you access to a full suite of editing capabilities.
This update is for pro users only; check it out in the platform now.
Chart Sorting in Dashboards ⬇️
We’ve added alphabetical sorting to charts in dashboards so that you can confidently switch between ascending, descending and alphabetical chart sorting. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to restore the original attribute order of any saved chart by simply clicking 'reset'.
This update is only accessible for pro users via edit mode.
Bug Fixes 🐛
We have improved a number of bugs in the platform including:
- Dataset edits will now be visible in the platform without manual intervention.
- You will no longer see private attributes in the attribute browser which were leading to chart calculation errors, or to 0 sample size audiences.
- Audience “quick add” questions, will only display questions from compatible datasets.
- The attribute metadata browser no longer shows duplicate attributes.
- All issues related to taxonomy paths are resolved.