What is it for?
GWI’s TV Reach & Frequency tool allows you to estimate the reach and frequency of a campaign for selected combinations of channels, audiences and locations.
How do I define a media plan?
You can enter in the number of slots for each daypart per week. The slots can be defined separately for weekdays (Monday to Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sunday). Each slot is for 30 seconds.
In the example below, there are 10 slots defined for 6-9am on weekdays in Week 1. This means that in Week 1, there are 10 slots distributed across the 5 week days (i.e. 2 slots per day) during 6-9am. There are also 10 slots defined for 6-9am on the weekend in Week 1. This means that those 10 slots are distributed across the 2 weekend days (i.e. 5 slots per day) during 6-9am.
What else can I define?
In addition to the media plan, you can specify:
- Channels - these will be treated independently and all the results split out by channel
- Audiences - choose your target audience(s) from either the shared or default lists, these will be treated independently and all the results split out by audience
- Locations - these can either be aggregated (segment by locations OFF) or split out by each location (segment by locations ON)
- Timezone - choose whether to analyse the media plan in the local time for each location or shifted to a consistent timezone that you can specify
- Waves - by default, all waves of data (from Q1 2017) are used in the analysis, you can refine this to specific waves but must select a minimum of four
When would I use Local / Standardized time zone?
Use local time zone if you want to create a media plan that runs across the same dayparts in each market.
For example, if you wanted to target primetime viewers in each market, you would want your plan to run across 20:00-23:00 in each market.
Use standardized time zone if you want to create a media plan that runs simultaneously across multiple markets regardless of the time difference.
For example, if a sports event (e.g. the Superbowl) was being broadcast live across multiple markets, and you wanted your advert to run during the ad-break, you would use standardized time zone and select the relevant time zone for the event.
How do I read the output?
The tool queries the data from the TV questions we ask in the survey about:
- How frequently the channel is watched
- At what times of day (dayparts) the channel is watched
- The average time spent watching the channel during each daypart
For each combination of channel and audience, the total following values are calculated:
- Universe - the audience size, based on the selected locations and waves (note, this is not just the audience size who say they watch the selected channel)
- Sample size - the number of respondents from which the Universe is calculated
- Reach - the estimated number of individuals who will see the campaign at least once
- Average frequency - the average number of a campaign views per individual
- Impacts - the total number of campaign views (i.e. Reach*Frequency)
- Reach % - the percentage of the Universe who have will see the campaign (i.e. Reach/Universe * 100)
- GRP - GRPs quantify impressions as a percentage of the target population and it is computed as the product of Reach % and Average frequency