Please note that GWI Spark is currently in beta. Click here to sign up for the waitlist.
What is GWI Spark?
GWI Spark is an AI assistant that uses GWI data to provide insights in response to prompts.
How can I get access to GWI Spark?
Select users can access Spark, using their usual GWI login details, by selecting Spark from the banner at the top of the screen. If you’d like access, you can sign up for the waitlist or contact your Account Manager.
What can I analyze with GWI Spark?
You can analyze a wide variety of topics. Simply describe an audience (like Gen Z or Car Drivers) and a specific topic (perhaps travel or gaming) and Spark will help you explore the audience’s behavior, preferences, or activities.
What's the best way to use GWI Spark?
We suggest including at least one audience and one topic in your query. Spark provides some good examples on the home screen.
Who's represented by the results in GWI Spark?
Spark represents internet users aged 16-64 across over 50 markets. In some markets, there’s no age cap, meaning we’re representing internet users aged 65+ too.
Can I compare multiple audiences?
Yes! You can analyze and compare several audiences at the same time to understand differences in behavior or preferences.
Can I explore without a specific question in mind?
Absolutely. You can still analyze an audience even if you don’t have a precise topic or attribute in mind. Spark can surface relevant data based on a category or general query.
Does GWI Spark understand local terms?
Not fully. If you type in “football”, Spark might assume you mean American football rather than soccer, for instance. It’s therefore best to be specific and stick to US English where you can.
What’s the default time period for GWI Spark?
If you don’t specify a timeframe, Spark will default to using the four most recent waves of our Core data set.
Can I specify particular timeframes or locations?
Yes, you can narrow down your insights by specific time periods or locations.
Will I know if there’s no data for my query?
Yes! If there’s no relevant data for your query, Spark will let you know and guide you accordingly.
GWI Spark has told me my audience is more or less likely to do something. What does this mean?
Spark compares your audience to a base audience of All Internet Users, filtering the results by market when relevant. This means Spark will tell you how much more or less likely your audience is to do something compared to the average internet user across the markets that are relevant to your query.
Can I rebase the data to a different audience?
No, the base audience for insights is always All Internet Users - the default base audience for GWI Core.
When should I consider an insight meaningful?
Generally speaking, if the results indicate your audience is 20% more or less likely to do something, this can be considered significant. Likewise, if 20% of your audience does something (for example, discover brands through TV), this would also be considered noteworthy.
How do I know the insights are robust?
Spark won’t provide any results where the sample size for any of the data points concerned is below 150, meaning your insights will always be based on a good number of responses.
Can I access previous chats?
Yes! You can view or continue previous chats from the left side of the screen.
Should I start a new chat for new questions?
Yes. If you want to ask a new, unrelated question, it’s best practice to start a new chat to remove the previous chat context and ensure the best results.