In this article, we’ll explain:
Creating a new Dashboard
To create a dashboard, navigate to the dashboard section of the platform and click on "Create a Dashboard." Alternatively, you can use prebuilt dashboards and customise them to suit your needs.
You can start by searching for a keyword, such as "Social Media," which will display the relevant template dashboard.
Alternatively, you can always start by creating a new dashboard from scratch. To do this, go into the dashboard home page and click on ‘Create a dashboard’.
In our example we will be using our template once you've opened the dashboard, you can either apply your audiences directly onto it or save it as new and make further adjustments as needed.
Adjusting your Dashboard
Your dashboards are made up of many charts. You can customise each of these by choosing the metrics displayed within.
The options available to you are:
- Audience %
- Data point %
- Universe
- Index
- Responses
You can change the metric you want to see by selecting the magnifying glass icon on the left hand side and picking the one you want.
To change the chart type you just need to click into the existing chart and then a drop down option will show you all available options
Filtering your dashboards
Audience filters
All global data is loaded by default. To refine your results you can apply up to 4 audiences per dashboard
Select the “Add an audience” icon to see a list of all your audiences, shared audiences, and default audiences.
Choose the audience(s) you want and click “Add audiences” to add these to your dashboard.
Research wave filters
If you don’t select any waves, the four most recent waves will be automatically selected.
To define a research period, Click on the Waves filter then select the options you want from the folders. You can select an entire year by clicking on the folder, or use the drop-down menu to select individual waves
Once you’ve made your selection, click “Apply waves”.
Note: selecting multiple research waves will give you an average from across the period.
Country filters
You can select an individual market, which will give you data for just that market, or you can select multiple markets, which will give you an average from the range you’ve chosen.
Select the markets you want using the “Locations” icon, then use the folders or search bar to choose each country. Once you’ve made your selection, click “Apply locations”.
Exporting your dashboards
Select the ‘Export’ icon at the top right of your dashboard. You will have the choice of exporting the dashboard visual either in PNG format as an image, or in XSLX format as Raw Data.
This will automatically start the download. Once completed, you can open the file from the downloads section on your device.